OpenVM,这是一个高性能且模块化的 zkVM 框架,专为定制和扩展而设计。OpenVM 是由 Axiom、Scroll 以及包括 Max Gillett 在内的个人贡献者共同开发的。其 v0.1 版本 包括以下功能:支持无限长度的 Rust 程序生成证明、链上验证,以及支持 ECDSA、优化的 Ate 配对、int256 和模运算等功能的虚拟机扩展。更多学习链接如下:
At Axiom we're excited to announce OpenVM, a performant and modular zkVM framework built for customization and extensibility. Designed in collaboration between Axiom, Scroll and individual contributors including Max Gillett, the v0.1 release of OpenVM includes proofs of unbounded length Rust programs, onchain verification, and VM extensions including ECDSA, optimal Ate pairing, and int256 and modular arithmetic.
To learn more, check out:
The following links are the summary of article and the specific article respectively.
文章回顾了 2024 年数学领域的重要突破,包括几何 Langlands 猜想的证明、球体堆积进展、AI 在数学中的作用提升,以及数论中的黎曼假设与 abc 猜想的新进展。
The article reviews 2024's major math breakthroughs, including the geometric Langlands conjecture proof, sphere-packing advances, AI's growing role in math, and progress in number theory like the Riemann hypothesis and abc conjecture.
文章回顾了 2024 年计算机科学的进展,包括:AI 理解的新突破、量子纠错、第五繁忙海狸问题和量子算法,同时指出了密码学、效率以及 AI 进展放缓 等挑战。
The article reviews 2024’s advances in computer science, including breakthroughs in AI understanding, quantum error correction, the fifth busy beaver problem, and quantum algorithms, while highlighting challenges in cryptography, efficiency, and AI’s slowing progress.
The article explores entropy as a measure of disorder and ignorance, tracing its evolution from thermodynamics to information theory. It highlights entropy’s subjectivity, its ties to knowledge and uncertainty, and its profound implications for physics, decision-making, and human understanding.
该库旨在提供一个模块化且可组合的框架,用于形式化验证基于交互式(Oracle)证明的密码学证明系统(例如 SNARKs)。这是 Verified zkEVM 项目的一部分。
This library aims to provide a modular and composable framework for formally verifying cryptographic proof systems (e.g. SNARKs) based on Interactive (Oracle) Proofs. This is done as part of the Verified zkEVM project.
This library enables the creation of zero-knowledge proofs, exposing cryptographic primitives facilitating the development of a Verifiable Credentials (VCs) system capable of handling both Anonymous Credentials and Selective Disclosure Credentials.
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